Suggest if there is time available that buying fairtrade choc chips and making one's own cookies using a modicum of fairtrade sugar and an appropriate quantity of not-too-saturated fat might just, er, cut the biscuit. And they can still be delicious ...
nothing to discuss. Chocolate is a vegetable (it grows on trees)
Chocolate OUGHT to be high-fat. Otherwise what's the point? Might as well just eat broccoli.
discuss? are you nuts? didn't you say there were biscuits available? and chocolate ones too? JUST EAT THE BISCUITS...
The only people who can afford fairly traded biscuits are the same ones who can afford a gym subscription. :)
Great, that means you can be happy and ethical at the same time!
Suggest if there is time available that buying fairtrade choc chips and making one's own cookies using a modicum of fairtrade sugar and an appropriate quantity of not-too-saturated fat might just, er, cut the biscuit. And they can still be delicious ...
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