Monday, December 24, 2007

God Rest Ye...

God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay,
For once this carol’s over
There’s food to put away;
So get on home, break out the booze
And drink throughout the day.
O time for Southern Comfort and joy!
Comfort and joy!
O time for Southern Comfort and joy!

At half past five this morning
I heard the ghastly noise,
Of children’s happy laughter
Whilst they played with their new toys;
I sometimes wish we’d stuck to pets
Instead of having boys
O time for Southern Comfort and joy!
Comfort and joy!
O time for Southern Comfort and joy!

And by mid-afternoon I bet
My patience will be thin;
A ten hour stint of TV hell
Is shortly to begin.
We haven’t any tonic so
Please top mine up with gin
O time for Southern Comfort and joy!
Comfort and joy!
O time for Southern Comfort and joy!

(St 1998 from Drama Verses Sketches still available from CPAS at £8.50)


Cosmo said...

Happy Christmas, Steve!

I hope that you and those you love will have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

I gather the version sang in Lancaster Gate (the FA headquarters) by the England Football team began:

"God rest ye merry gentlemen,
whse feet were made of clay"
