Thursday, May 04, 2006


Sometimes I stop and wonder. I haven't noticed things for a long time and then suddenly, bang - the juxtaposition of various items on my desk shelf hits me. I am looking at:

A black moleskin notebook
A red reporter's notebook
The Little Book of How to Survive the Big 50
The Little Book of Calm
Sit and Solve Lateral Thinking Puzzles
The Cell Group Gents Champion 10 pin bowling trophy
A USB easy-disk
A bottle of lens cleaning fluid
An Orange travel-adaptor
My glasses case
An enamelled No-Smoking sign
My mobile phone
A sermon tape from 16/10/05
One and a half packets of Dietorelle sugar free mints from Malta
A plastic Jesus on wheels
A copy of a prayer before preaching I used to use a lot



Mike Peatman said...

I know the feeling Steve, as I sit looking at a digital thermometer, a Boycott Nescafe badge...

Nothing as liberating as a skip, I find.

Jonathan Potts said...

"Nothing as liberating as a skip." Nice quote! I'll have to use it sometime...

Anonymous said...

I used to keep all the books I was reading on a table beside my bed. I am not very good at finishing books and it was a very liberating moment when I finally put them back on my bookshelf, deciding that there was no way I could:

engage in the Disciplines of A Godly Woman
be a New Kind of Christian
learn how to work the video recorder
Walk on Water
solve Suduko puzzles
understand The Bible Jesus Read
Order my Private World
set Boundaries
engage in Creative Prayer
navigate Icebergs in the New Testament
solve Sherlock Holmes mysteries
AND be a Domestic Goddess all in one go.

It was a liberating moment.

The table now has a plant on it.

Steve Tilley said...

Cool Jo. Do you talk to it?

Martin said...

Steve - quite a random selection - can't think of any theme there, unless it is lack of direction, but then again probably not. Good luck decluttering the desk, and the life that leads to the desk.

Wow Jo, that's a lot of books to have on the go at once! Good luck keeping the numbers down - I tend to find that eventually the "things I'm looking at" pile gets bigger and needs re-decluttering.

Caroline said...

I find the best way to declutter your life properly is to move to the other side of the world with only a 25kg limit on the plane!

Rainbow dreams said...

am intrigued at plastic Jesus on wheels :-)

Steve Tilley said...

Intrigue dealt with in later post - I hope.