Tuesday, May 31, 2005

End of May

About to embark on the last day of the month and a couple of writing deadlines I should have hit last week if it wasn't for preparing for celebrations. Have had a fantastic four day birthday - I do recommend trying to have your major festivals on the Friday of a Bank Holiday weekend.

Have tried a variety of answers to the 'do you feel older?' stupid question. I don't do feelings without a run-up so I don't (try that with an Irish accent), but it was a shock when my god-daughter Yasmin and her family called round yesterday to realise she is 50 years younger than me.

This is a bad sign. I try to start a writing day with a blog entry to get the words flowing but, as you can tell from the previous two paragraphs, they are not even vaguely sticking together let alone flowing.

Finished an all-age service in 52 minutes. Announced it as a new sort of worship called GIOWQQ - Get It Over With Quite Quickly. This got a round of applause.

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