Sunday, June 30, 2024

Things Can Only Get 39

There is occasionally a time, not as often as all that, when I vote based on the record of the government rather than the manifesto promises made. This is one of those times. ‘Judge me on my record’ say many politicians.

Well here’s the thing. The mount-up of misjudgements over the last 14 years has been extensive:
  • Unnecessary austerity when record low interest rates demanded investment.
  • Unnecessary Brexit referendum which ‘most people’ were not looking for.
  • Mishandled Brexit negotiations. How hard would it have been to say ‘No Brexit is better than a bad Brexit’ rather than ‘No deal is better than a bad deal’.
  • Covid panic and poor leadership only calmed by our medical officers and vaccine researchers.
  • Lies.
  • Partygate (I haven’t made much of it but I felt this incredibly personally).
  • Trussonomics.
  • Reduction of overseas aid budget.
  • Shit in the rivers
  • Lack of compassion towards the alien and the stranger.
  • Reduction of UK influence in Europe and around the world.
That why am I voting Labour this election.

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