Friday, June 28, 2024

Things Can Only Get 37

Yesterday I commented on the question the man, we now know as Robert Blackstock, asked the UK Prime Ministerial candidates ‘Are you two the best that we can do?’

How the USA needed that question yesterday. There are over 300 million people in the USA yet the debate between Biden and Trump was between a convicted felon, business failure with a history of inappropriate behaviour towards women and a doddery elder-statesman clearly, yes clearly, loitering on the edge of dementia. Neither could possibly be considered appropriate candidates. I have no idea what will be done. Trump isn’t backing off so I guess the ball is in the court of the Democratic Party. Obama came through late so there is hope.

Back in the land where our two main candidates have no criminal records and are still of sound mind we should be grateful. Either would be a shoe-in as President of the United States although, due to the weird make up of US politics, both would probably be standing as Democrats.

I gather that the Reform candidate who suggested asylum-seekers’ small boats should be used as target practice by the army was engaged in ‘typical chaps-down-the-pub talk’. He’d align well with the Republicans.

Until tomorrow.

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