Friday, June 21, 2024

Things Can Only Get 30

I have returned from holiday to many pieces of election material. I used to live in Nigel Huddleston MP’s Wychavon constituency, which is pretty safely blue. However I am now in Redditch County, a boundary change that has added more potential Tory votes to a town that swings with the wind of electoral change.

My Conservative candidate, Rachel Maclean, has been MP for the old constituency of Redditch. In distancing herself from her party she says ‘I share your frustration that the Conservatives didn’t do more when they had the chance.’ They? They? How very dare she. I have never before seen an election leaflet that uses failures as sub-headings:

Bringing down the cost of living

Stopping the boats

Improved roads and pot holes

She asks if I want to give a London lawyer a blank cheque. I have seen what her lot do with blank cheques so if that is the choice (which, of course, it isn't) then yes.

Incidentally I’ve noticed a tendency for Tories to demean the idea of a Labour landslide because that ‘will give them freedom to do what the hell they like’. Mates, in this country a majority of 1 gives you that. It is bonkers. But the hilarious thing is that this comment is premised on an incoming Labour Government behaving as appallingly as the outgoing lot. It won’t. There may be one or two dodgy characters but I expect they will be shown the door pretty quickly with Starmer in charge. He has public service and probity in his blood.

Vote Labour if you can. Vote tactically in places where Tories out can be achieved with a different vote. 

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