Sunday, May 26, 2024

Things Can Only Get 4

I spent many years of my working life helping groups of people to generate ideas. The blank piece of paper first thing in the morning always excited me. In order to get ideas going I followed the well-tried technique of banning comment on ideas until all had been captured and written down. To begin with no idea is too stupid. Yes, I occasionally thought some were but it was a good attitude.

Step two (and we'll be using this in a moment) was to take all the ideas and give them out to small groups with these two questions:

1. What is good about this idea?

2. How could we adapt it to make it work?

Following 24 hours off to regroup the Tories are back with a change of direction. Instead of concentrating on hugely inappropriate comedy moments and backdrops they have turned their attention to ridiculous policy announcements. Yes folks, welcome back to National Service, something the entire population aged 85+ have been saying was a good thing (apart from the sensible ones).

14 years with the power to introduce almost any legislation they wanted and this is the big plan for the next five. Given what Call Me Dave did to the country by promising a Brexit Referendum when he thought he would lose in 2015, this policy commitment has a slight risk.

My favourite bit of the whole announcement is that the budget will come from cracking down on tax dodging. Say what? Was that not a priority 2010-24?

But let's keep the rules:

1. What is good about this idea?

2. How could we adapt it to make it work?

It seems to me that, as used in some Scandinavian countries, a state-sponsored gap year has some legs. It might involve meeting people the same age from different backgrounds for a few weeks. Those who want to travel, and can afford to, could do so. Others might volunteer for charities or community programmes. Maybe some would like to join the armed forces?

My problem with the timing of that announcement is that it smacks of desperation. Blame the young people and make them pay. Given that Labour will lower the voting age if invited to form a government that makes for an interesting bit of clear water between the parties. As someone smarter than me said, the choice here is bullets or ballots. Nice one.

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