Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Rule 1

1. Simply stated. Clergy should never come back to work from a holiday, on a Sunday.

1. Amplified. Never come back to work from a holiday, on a Sunday, if that holiday has involved huge amounts of socialising and you relax by retreating.

1. Clarified. If you find it unavoidable to break rule 1 avoid two new presentations on the Sunday you return.

1. Emphasised. Certainly don't have a major training day input on the Monday which needs finishing and polishing on the Sunday afternoon especially if this will involve technological stress.

1. Re-emphasised. And it would be stupid to diary a routine training evening for that Monday evening.

1. But. The only acceptable exception is if said holiday will provide the love of your life with an outstanding major birthday experience.


I'll be fine tomorrow.

Watching two starlings building a nest.

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