Friday, August 28, 2015

Thought for the Day

When teenagers, my sons embarked on a mission to buy me the worst-taste birthday present possible. I have clockwork toys from this period including Stunt Grannies, Racing Nuns and a battle game with old folk called Zimmer Wars. My favourite of all I have in the studio this morning. He is Jesus on Wheels. Four inches tall with ball-bearing base and adjustable arms.

You can see his photo on the BBC Radio Bristol Twitter feed.

Bored with the game I fought back. What if I turned this toy into a popular icon? I began a process of sending Jesus on Wheels with any friends who were going to exotic locations. I have photos of him at Victoria Falls, Sydney Opera House, the Commonwealth Games and he has even played percussion in Paris with the London Symphony Orchestra.

Obviously today marks the pinnacle of his journeying career.

Two thoughts. Firstly, not being a great traveller, I have loved seeing the world this way, as photos of his exploits are sent to me. And accepting the slight risk that one day he may not return.

Secondly, it reminds me never to limit what something can become. If a small toy can explore the world how much more should I long to become all that God wishes me to be. Bible says we should let God transform us by the renewing of our minds. Then we will know his will, and obey it, just as this toy obeys my will.

I'll have him with me at the Trendlewood Community Festival in Nailsea tomorrow afternoon. Come and meet him on Golden Valley Fields from noon (I promised the organisers I'd crowbar that reference in). Go on. Be photographed with a true globe-trotting celebrity.

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