The Resurrection changes everything
Jesus Appears to the Men
Readings: Mark
16:9-20 and 1
Corinthians 15:12-19
the response to the resurrection different for men and women?
central pillar of the Christian story is that Jesus rose from the
dead. In the evening services we spent the first part of the year
following Mark's Gospel. We return to it for the last time and ask in
what way did Jesus appear to the men of his small group of remaining
disciples. What did he do/say? How did he address them? How did they
react? Was there anything specific about the way Jesus dealt with
there a clue here in how men react today? What transforms a man? Is
there some help in how we reach men now with the good news of the
risen Christ?'
was the brief. Not so brief really. Here goes.
I embark on this sermon I offer a warning that there will be some
generalisations to save time. In life there are different reactions
to different circumstances and many are predictable by gender, to
some extent. To some extent. Women are generally better at reading
emotions than men but that doesn't mean you won't find a man who is
good at it or a woman who is poor. Men are better at spatial
awareness than women but that doesn't mean all women can't pack the
dishwasher properly.
reactions are not just found in men and vice-versa.
person once said the world divides into two types of people - those
who divide the world into two types of people and those who don't.
like to. Mars and Venus. Simon Baron-Cohen.
there a difference in how the men and women in the group of disciples
reacted to meeting the risen Jesus?
was the introduction. For the systematising men here who want to know
where we are at any given time, there will be 2 bits of research to
tell you about, then 3 key Bible passages and finally 5 conclusions
and it will take about another 20 minutes.
bits of research:
Men research. I had breakfast with a group of seven guys yesterday.
All white aged 45-75. I told them what I was preaching on today and
asked their advice. I will now tell you what they said, in order,
without edit:
- Today people tend to question everything they are told
- Conspiracy theories are always men
- Women more prone to door-to-door sales
- Men like doing rather than sitting down, thinking or confronting. When we finish our breakfast we all get stuck into cleaning up and get the jobs done without talking about it.
- In international politics the advice of women is not usually taken in the middle-east or Afghanistan
- In the Bible women proved themselves by always being there at the difficult times (is that why Jesus revealed himself to them?)
- Men not so good at picking up vibes
- I don't like being in a room full of strangers but my wife is fine at that
- Where I work women in the 'fast-stream' are far more amenable than the blokes who are always annoying
- Men less willing to admit ignorance, ask directions, question something going on we don't understand. We tend to say we understand before we do
- Did Jesus reveal himself to women by design or by accident?
that is just to give you a flavour, especially the women here, of the
way a male mind tends to tackle the question. It's not right or
something. That wasn't a conversation. A group of guys starting a
conversation will all tend to have some sort of opening gambit and
eventually settle down on one thing worth discussing. Notice how
those statements all wandered around the question, getting nearer and
nearer, before actually beginning to answer it.
Bible research. I'm going to list the pieces of evidence about the
resurrection we have in our Bibles then call in at three of them. If
you want to flick through your Bibles and follow me at this point
that would be fine.
28:1-10 (Women at the tomb)
28:11-15 (Guards told to say the disciples stole the body)
16:1-8 (Women, terrified, silent)
1: 9-20 (more later)
24:1-12 (Women. Peter runs to the tomb)
24:13-35 (Road to Emmaus. Gender of one of the two disciples not
24:36-48 (Jesus appears to all the disciples. Eats. Touch)
24:50-53 (Ascension)
20:1-9 (Mary Magdalene tells others tomb is empty)
20:10-18 (Mary Magdalene)
20:19-23 (Disciples in locked room)
20:24-31 (Thomas)
21:1-14 (Disciples and 153 fish)
21:15-25 (Peter's reinstatement)
9:1-9 (Saul)
Corinthians 15:1-8 (A list of those including 500)
look at a few male reactions to the resurrection in our Bibles - I'm
going to call in at three places, but let's remember this. Most
scribes in those days were male. Males were better educated and got
the best jobs. So all our verses about the resurrection, male or
female witnesses, have probably been through a male filter. All of them.
key passages:
1. Mark. Mention earliest and most reliable manuscripts. 9-20 a summary of other sources. Men find that little note interesting and like the idea of digging into it to find out what it means.
looking for harmony and consistency between accounts. v8 is a better
ending for Mark's piece of literature because of Messianic secret.
That appeals to people with a sense of order. Do men have a better
sense of order than women?
is important that he appeared to women first. In those days women's
evidence was deemed unreliable. It took the witness of two women to
successfully counter the argument of one man in court. If one were
inventing a story about resurrection why would one make the first
witnesses female?
certainly a person making up such a tale would not invent a woman as
the first witness. And as you can see from the text, they weren't
Jesus delivers a telling-off to the disciples for not believing the
women, or the two on the road. Then he does the most man-friendly
thing in the whole gospel. He explains that if people go into the
world and preach the gospel it will work. And here's how you will
know. Stuff will happen (v17 -signs). Men like things that work. The
last verse of Mark's Gospel tells us 'It worked.'
Doubting Thomas (twin). John 20:24-31. I want evidence. A woman says
'It is absolutely impossible to get the car boot shut; it's broken.'
What does a man say? A male reaction to anything impossible, unusual
or exciting is 'Let me see.' 'Let me check.' 'I don't believe it.'
tells us that his gospel is written for men (20:31). You want to see
the nail marks. This is written for those of you who can't handle the
nail marks.
Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:1-8. Is he writing to men when he says -
here are some people you can check with.
can we learn for today about telling men and women about the glorious
news of the resurrection?
Men will want to enquire, check out, be curious, take apart. A Bible
study where the resurrection accounts are laid side-by-side and
studied for discrepancies will appeal to a man. A person giving their
testimony and then being quizzed will appeal to a man. A chance to
live it out, give it a go and see if it works will also appeal.
we invite men to become Christians, full-on, for ten weeks - the 10
week challenge - and see if it makes a difference.
Once convinced men will be loyal supporters and followers. They may
tag along when unconvinced but if nothing grabs their interest or
imagination they will drift away. If convinced they will probably
convince their family.
Men like all-male company more than women like all female. As an
evangelistic strategy if a church only has the energy to run a men's
group or a women's group it should run a men's group.
People will make men curious if they are interesting. But most men
will get to know you by telling you things about themselves, whether
you like it or not. Asking men questions about themselves and
listening to the answers will usually bear fruit.
One of the things many women find hard to learn when first involved
in a partner relationship with a man is this. I make no apologies for
it and try hard to change but it is a gut thing. You can tell me what
to do; you can't tell me how to do it.
am quite prepared to take responsibility for whole areas of domestic
life as long as I can invent my own way of doing it. If my wife wants
things done her way then she can do them.
I am like that and am not atypical then telling a man to devote his
life may not be as problematic as we think it is, as long as we don't
tell him how to do it.
the loyal servant and follower of God and work out the implications
for yourself. Don't ask for directions.
that be fun?
that be risky.
on. Mark 16:15. 'Go into the world and peach the good news...'
the men didn't reply. 'Jesus wait. Wait. There's no instruction
manual. You've forgotten to tell us how...'
by "men", do you mean "white middle aged middle class men from the south of england"? Not sure I recognise too many fellas I know there really.
No. Do say more Rich. I have lived north, south and middle but my group of men quoted over breakfast are locals to me here in the south-west. Not all middle-class. No landed gentry. What would your group have said?
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