Monday, January 10, 2011


The 2009 animated Disney film Up is a delightful way to spend 90 minutes. Beginning with a child seeking adventure it follows Carl (for it is he) and, in one of the most moving opening sequences to any film I have ever seen, catalogues the reasons why it is never quite the right time to head off to South America to see the much-anticipated Paradise Falls.

Eventually, old, crippled, grey and frustrated at the encroachment of the city to his front garden Carl, a retired balloon salesman, attaches helium balloons to his house and heads off in the direction the film title suggests.

Are you having a mid-life crisis? Are you old and grey and feel you've never chased your dreams? Is there something that holds a call over your life which you haven't yet done? Are you Abram in disguise?

You will laugh and cry (if I'm anything to go by) but it's terrific family entertainment. And if you do decide to fly your house away just watch for the fat kid hiding under the veranda. You don't always get to choose who you share your adventures with.

Watch the trailer here.


Anonymous said...

Mid Life Crisis? No.
Old? Not quite.
Grey? Not quite, but Martin is.
Never chased your dreams? Well ... some of them, but we're about to chase the big one.
Live for the moment. You never know when it might be your last.

Anonymous said...

So true, especially the opening sequence. Why do I cry more as I get older, I wonder...