Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dr Spin

Mustard Seed Shavings welcomes Dr Spin, a new member of the team who will help us through the tricky business of the day's immigration debate. Welcome doc:

Dr Spin
Thank you. How can I help? 

Well it seems immigration is up. 

Dr Spin
Who told you that? 

The BBC 

Dr Spin
Ah, no they didn't. 

But I heard them say net migration is up 20%.

Dr Spin

See what? 

Dr Spin
Net migration is what you get by subtracting the number who go out (emigration) from the number who come in, immigration. What we have here is a steady rate of immigration and a lowering of the number who left the country. Immigration is actually down. 

Why are fewer people leaving the country? 

Dr Spin
Well if I was spinning this answer I'd say it's clear Britain isn't quite as broken as some people say it is, but the truth is a bit more complex. 

And that is? 

Dr Spin
The number of non-British citizens leaving the country stayed about the same - it dropped a bit - but there was significant drop in the number of Brits leaving. By the way some of the immigrants were returning Brits. 

So immigration is down and the number of people who previously immigrated now emigrating is roughly the same. 

Dr Spin

There was a lot of fuss over the last few years about seasonal and migrant workers coming here to gut fish and pick fruit. 

Dr Spin
Yeah, apparently back in the day you could get paid more for gutting fish in Scotland than being a doctor in Budapest. That's no longer true but it's still hard to persuade people to gut fish for a living. 

OK, so what about this massive rise in overseas students when our young people can't get to university with 4 A* grades? 

Dr Spin
Our universities are quite good and attract foreign students. These students have to pay and so setting the budget for a university involves taking into account as much foreign money as you can get in. It does actually make life easier for our own students, the places for whom are fixed by the government so no-one has 'taken their places.' 

So no need to panic? 

Dr Spin
Oh plenty of other reasons not to do with immigration, but no need for headlines such as this on the Sunday Sun web-site. It's scaremongering spin of the worst sort:

'Net immigration rose by 20% in 2009'

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