Sunday, December 07, 2008

Advent Thought 8

Bath was crowded. People may not have been spending as much as usual (who knows?), but the footfall was strong.

Street entertainers had gathered huge crowds. A juggler. A samba band. I guess they are almost free since you can ignore the passed hat.

The sun shone on the cold December day and we did a little gentle Christmas shopping, not with any list or purpose, just a preliminary, 'I think they'd like this,' wander.

My heart's never been into Christmas shopping until about a week to go. I also tend to be last-minute about decorations and cards.

Face it. I like Advent. And I like the season of Christmas. I wish they weren't so confused.

'Tis not the season to be jolly. Yet. Fa la la la la, la la la la.

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