Tuesday, February 05, 2008


I'm a big fan of, and occasional contributor to, Damaris, so gladly, at their request, reproduce their ad text below. Please visit if you don't know about them. They are one of the best organisations at making connections between Christianity and contemporary culture.

Have you seen http://www.pollardonfilm.com/ and http://www.culturewatch.tv/? These are new free websites from Damaris providing short downloadable videos that explore the issues raised by the latest films. They are fully integrated with http://www.toolsfortalks.com/ which means that the downloadable videos are ideal for use in talks, discussion groups, school assemblies or lessons. They are also part of Youtube (see www.youtube.com/pollardonfilm and www.youtube.com/culturewatch) so they can easily be republished on websites or blogs. Damaris is also providing a free monthly email service which will remind you of what videos they have produced and what films they plan to cover in the next month - so you can plan ahead for specific talks or discussion events (click here for details).

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