Monday, December 12, 2005


Is there any other sort of trap? Happytrap? Funtrap? Clap comes from the German or possibly Dutch word for 'to pat'. Why is talking rubbish about patting a trap? Help.


Stewart said...

It's theatrical slang - you can find a (much) fuller explanation here -

Steve Tilley said...

Thanks Stew.


Steve Tilley said...

So talking claptrap is trapping a clap. Doing it just for applause. I talk claptrap all the time then. Most bloggers probably do.

Ali Campbell said...

trap - as in "keep your trap shut" is mouth, clap - as in "I'm going to clap you in the mouth if you give me any more of your nonsense, sonny" is er, thump or something - hence "claptrap" . . .