Monday, August 08, 2005

Who Are You?

Who are you?

Hello Big Blogger. You are having an impact on my life at the moment.

This isn’t Big Blogger. It’s a random philosophical question.

Ah I see. So the answer, ‘I’m St’ probably won’t satisfy you.

No, neither will, ‘Hello I’m James Stephen Tilley of Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England, UK, Europe, Earth, Third planet from the sun as you wittily used to write in your school books aged 10, although you stole the idea off Anthony Buckeridge.

Well call me an adlepated clodpoll.

You’re a… what you said.

So who am I? How about. I’m James son of James son of James (if I need a nom de plume Steve Jamesson would be good) a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ working in the Midlands. Born of Lesley, raised in Selly Park, educated in Edgbaston. Father of Ben and Jon. Husband of Liz. Writer, blogger, dog-sitter, thinker, dreamer, cook, pianist, 50 years on this planet, litter-picker-upper, occasional poet and lyricist. Beer drinker, listener (that’s a new one). It’s tough isn’t it?

‘Who are you?’ asks you where you get your identity.

‘To be secure in our belonging – to family and place – is a great blessing, but one we may well take for granted, until we are confronted with what it means to be totally rootless and homeless.’ Margaret Killingray said that on the LICC word for the week e-shot this week. It got me doing this thinking, as most of their e-mails do. I have security in my geography, history and relationships but my belief-system and my ability to do this (web-log) is the key to who I am.

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