Thursday, March 31, 2005


The dinner time conversation was about politics. My sons decided they would vote for Michael Howard because he looked evil and he was evil. 'At least,' they said, 'You know where you are with him. Who do you want to vote for, a liar, a drunk or an evil man? Basically if a drunk rescues you it will be fun although you may both need rescuing, if a liar rescues you he'll say he will but then he won't. An evil man is most likely to be able to rescue you properly.'

I was about to sit back and applaud the logic my taxes and student support had managed to educate into these two fine specimens of slightly overweight manhood when I tumbled to the fact that they were having a laugh.

I explained that as a liberal in a marginal with no chance of a liberal MP I was looking to vote swap. Ben said he'd swap with me so I think further education is needed. I want to swap with someone who will vote liberal in David Willetts' constituency. He was once very insulting to me at school and it was only because he was cleverer than me. No point in being clever if it makes you rude.

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