Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Loving it

How do I feel about my increased responsibility during the vicar's sabbatical?

'You're loving this aren't you?' said my friend Esther.
'Meaning 'being in charge'', said just about everybody.

Huge pause for reflection. Am I enjoying it? Some of it is ghastly. Everybody likes to be wanted and when things are going well everybody likes to be appreciated. But enjoying it? I'm glad it's going well. That sounds like enjoyment. The first few weeks were hard as I got used again to the concentration you need to prepare for a Sunday service, to deal with all the questions that come your way in the half-hour before a service and to make sure you have thanked everyone appropriately afterwards and said something useful to newcomers.

Some people have noticed a certain lightness of touch that hasn't been around before, although as a contrast I have received comments that two of our guest preachers were too dull or too intellectual. Usual situation. If a few balanced criticisms come at you from both sides then you're probably pitching things about right.

We had an Ash Wednesday Communion where, despite a desperate attempt to pitch things in the confession/lament area all the people wanted to do was talk and laugh.

Music has been difficult because I don't like picking songs for worship (mainly because I hate most worship songs) but with our music co-ordinator on long-term sick leave that responsibility has fallen my way too, with great support from volunteer Jonty who has unexpectedly found himself with day-time after losing a job.

We are using the opportunity to play CDs more (Tallis during communion very well received last week) and also to use some older hymns.

I have a week's holiday next week so it will be interesting to see how quickly I can drop the energy levels down and pick them up again.

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