An article in The Independent yesterday suggested that everyone is blogging nowadays and listed some famous people who do it. Well I know loads of people who aren't but enjoyed the piece, overstated for effect I expect. It did point to an excellent site called A List Apart, an article about improving your web content, which I read and thoroughly commend.
Neither article quite seemed to put its finger on my reason for writing which is, I think, that I communicate better in writing than verbally. I am articulate enough, a preacher probably should be, and well educated, but still feel that I only manage to say exactly what I want to say when I write it down. Someone, helpfully, once differentiated between being a writer (which I am) and an author (which you can decide to make me by reading). Whether or not you read I will still write. Some people talk to themselves, or continue to talk long after their audience is bored; I do these things in writing but normally know when to stop if I speak.
You may, of course, stop reading, but at least what I want to say is there if you wish to read it.
In the pub at lunchtime we (Hi Bob, Anne, Matthew and Elanor) defined consultation as the process by which you find out how many people are wrong. Let me know what you think.
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