Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Things Can Only Get 34

In 1981, with England in an almost impossible position in a Test Match, some astute Aussie cricketers noticed that the odds against England winning were surprisingly generous. The Australians expected to win, and tried to, but took a punt on the unexpected. If England somehow managed to avoid an innings defeat, set a target and bowl them out for very little, at least they would have a consolation. They placed the bet. Cue one Ian Botham, a decent spell of bowling by Bob Willis and the bet was won as the test was lost.

Was that dodgy?

Betting on losing a seat you desperately want to win—dodgy?

Betting on the date of the election when you have inside information—dodgy?

Betting on the pound falling during the run up to the UK vote to leave the EU—dodgy?

It’s a trick question for me because I actually think all betting is dodgy and hate its ubiquity in modern society. But if you must do it, where do you draw the line?

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