Saturday, June 01, 2024

Things Can Only Get 10

A quote and then lots of questions tonight:

'Don't obsess over policy. Most governments are remembered for things which weren't in their manifesto, when the gov was responding to events. At that stage character and values count for far more.'
Dr Seth Thévoz (@SAThevoz) on X/Twitter

It reminded me of the days in my working life when, from time to time, I found myself interviewing people. As techniques improved we were always short-listing against criteria and assessing against a chart of some sort but we had been looking for character. As Dr Seth says, that mostly comes to the fore when you have something to do that is not in your job description. If all these candidates had ticked the boxes that suggested they were qualified for the job which one was most likely to do the right thing if the church or office caught fire? Who could make me laugh at myself? Who would see coffee making as beneath them? Who would talk too much in response to the question 'Did you have good journey?'

What happened in the last 14 years that wasn't in a manifesto?
  • Brexit
  • Covid 19
  • War in Ukraine
  • Death of the Queen
What do you think of the character that was shown by the people responding to these events? And how far off course do you think they were thrown, if at all?

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