Monday, March 26, 2012


In the interests of openness I would like to put on record that I have entertained in my private residence and elsewhere a number of people over the last few days. Granting these people access in no way conferred advantage on such guests and very little money changed hands for the privilege.

The Archdeacon and Mrs Piggott were provided with a light supper on the evening of the Trinity House opening. No job offers have been forthcoming.

Mr Anthony Miles was provided with a coffee during which I agreed to write a small paragraph to promote a charitable work he is planning so who is the loser there?

The leadership team were provided with a lunch of considerably higher quality than the donations they made towards its cost I mean I ask you who is doing whom the favour here?

Mrs Tilley was entertained on a number of occasions with tea on the table when she got in from work. This encouraged her to continue investing in our retirement housing and to provide occasional physical favours. Not going that well so far. She was also taken to Nailsea's premier (OK only) curry house but this led to wind not intimacy.

Ms Jennifer Rodd was entertained to coffee shortly after which she made her excuses and left for Tanzania. It is not thought this exit was related to the quality of the coffee or company.

Offers to 'Get anything you want on the PCC agenda for cash' were not responded to favourably but still stand.

In future I will produce a quarterly account of any kitchen suppers which will include a description of the guests' attempts at dressing appropriately and emphasis on what level of jauntiness I exhibit when descending the stairs to answer the door.

Steve Tilley was talking to himself.

1 comment:

Marcella said...

Nice to see someone taking The Bribery Act seriously.