Tuesday, May 27, 2008

End of New Labour

'It's the end of New Labour,' said many people after the Crewe and Nantwich by-election result. I laugh when I hear politicians running out with, 'It's the end of...' phrases. Maybe our elected leaders have short memories. Hands up if you remember Mrs T's, 'It's the end of socialism.' Labour removed the S word from all their stuff and got elected for the next 10-12 years.

The accepted political philosophy round here at the moment is social democracy. All our major parties are one hue or another of social democracy. Maybe we should rename them the Blue Democrats, the Red Democrats and the Yellow Democrats.

New Labour still has a socialist agenda but has to hide it because it loses more votes than it gains. People like a political party that helps the poor but won't, by and large, vote for it if it will cost them anything.

Do think very carefully about how you will vote when the time comes but try to look beyond names. They mean almost nothing anymore.


Kerron said...

I love that observation:

"People like a political party that helps the poor but won't, by and large, vote for it if it will cost them anything."

How very true.

BTW have you seen the Times article about Gavin Peacock leaving the BBC for God?


Best line:

"Peacock will become a pastor, vicar or minister, depending on which denomination he chooses to follow."

Don't you normally pick the religion before you train for it?

Caroline Too said...

"Do think very carefully about how you will vote when the time comes but try to look beyond names. They mean almost nothing anymore."

I agree, and for that reason, I will when my next chance to vote comes, I will probably walk in, take my voting slip and write on it

"None of the above"

Sadly, I've come to the conclusion that, that's the most positive vote for change that I can give

very sad

Anonymous said...

Kerron, and David Beckham wanted to have Brooklyn Christened, but he wasn't sure into which religion.

Martin said...

I want a party that combines employers NI and employees NI into income tax, with one simple set of rules that says how much you will pay based on income. At the moment, it is too hard to work out bring home from what the employer pays out.