Browsing the SPCK bookshop in Bristol at lunchtime I chanced across this book about rethinking young people and the church. Tim Sudworth is the Diocesan Youth Officer for Guildford Diocese and Chris Russell is a vicar in Reading. Thing is, once upon a time, Chris was a stalwart of the CYFA (Church Youth Fellowships' Association) group Liz and I ran in Mapperley and Tim was a regular guest at our short-lived, monthly Keyhole Club, an alternative to the pub for 14-18 year olds on a Saturday night. This would have been 1983-88.
Slightly encouraging to see two products of successful youth ministry (although both from fine Christian families so I can't take all the credit) now writing books on the subject. Slightly discouraging to realise how old these two pesky blighters are now.
Will let you know if they learned anything once I've read it. I expect they are quite bright. Tim once said to me,' Don't mock me for being dyslexic; I don't mock you for having a big nose.'
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