Monday, July 23, 2007


No laughing matter what some people are enduring. Have chatted to a Cheltenham person today rushing to finish the administration for a major event before the water and electricity get cut off. Have chatted to a friend in the Forest of Dean who reckons his house is about to become a resort-on-Wye.

All the more remarkable that we ran our Saturday skate festival in dry weather and all my guests arrived over the weekend for a family get together. Junior, off to Japan next week, couldn't get to his friends get together in Leamington Spa because, although the rail lines from Exeter to Warwickshire were clear, they had no trains down there yet.

In the midst of this, how about this deprivation-laden quote from the BBC news site. 'We had to collect our children from school in our racing hovercraft, as all the roads into and out of the village were blocked.'

Find the accompanying image here.


Alastair Gregg said...

i heard a great quote on the radio.

somebody in an effected area said.
"when it comes to these floods, the government needs to pull all the stops out !"

i can't help feeling that would make it worse.

thankfully having 4 days off work this week i have managed to escape Gloucester for chester-le-street.

Even arriving in Birmingham was a weird experience. Entering a city with water and electricity seems strange, when you haven't had any for a day.

Thankfully my house is ok so far.

They reckon running water could be a week away, i have to work friday. But after that am off to the venture, so am not to worried.

Mike Peatman said...

Makes getting wet for a bit in tents in Newark feel like getting off lightly