Friday, October 20, 2006

Questionnaire Analysis

Well eleven of you bothered so here's the results

1. (a) Chocolate or (b) vanilla ice cream?

Badly worded question. Ignore

2. Red (5) or white wine (6)?

3. Run (5) or swim (6)?

4. Six day creation (1) or evolution (12)?

5. Alone (4) or accompanied (7)?

6. Rugby (4) or association football (6)?

One person chose to die rather than decide.

7. Walk (6) or cycle (5)?

8. Fly (5) or sail (6)?

9. Too hot (3) or too cold (8)?

10. BBC (11) or ITV (0)?

11. Sun (5) or Mirror (5)?

Again one person chose death.

12. Tea (5) or coffee (6)?

Thanks to Mel for saying please.

13. Cinema (6) or theatre (5)?

14. Lecture (3) or seminar (8)?

15. Who (9) or what (1)?

One person omitted because they couldn't understand the question. I'll take the blame for that and they may live.

16. Light (9) or dark (2)?

17. Noise (2) or silence (9)?

18. Keyboard (8) or pen (3)?

19. Write (9) or draw (2)?

20. Picture (2) or story (9)?

21. Driver (7) or passenger (4)?

22. Text (6) or phone (5)?

23. Caving (4) or parachuting (5)?

Two people felt these were sufficiently dangerous to go straight for the instant death option.

24. Audience (4) or on-stage (7)?

25. Comedy (9) or tragedy (2)?

So thank you all very much. You are a well-balanced readership. Except, the BBC is safe in your hands, the world will keep laughing in the face of everything, even literal creationists, and the windows will remain open. And I've learned a bit about wording questionnaires.

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