Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Lists and hurry

Realising I had quite a few things to do over the next couple of days I sat on my bed last night and wrote out a list. Took a moment to rejoice in the lack of necessity to do this over the last couple of years.

Woke up this morning and found the videoplus numbers had enabled me to video a film about the making of the last Bond movie (which I'd seen before) rather than the football (which I hadn't).

Can't find the list. Have retraced my steps to the ironing basket, the piles of clothes I have distributed in everyone else's bedrooms, the recycling box, the waste bin, my first-thing-in-the-morning trouser pockets, my desk, behind my desk, under my desk, behind the dressing table. What is the point of making a list if you then lose it?

Write sermon. Head off round the town to do some of the things which I can still recall. Rejoice in not getting wet for the first time for three days. Arrive at the library dripping with sweat from the humidity. If only it would rain again. England. Pah.

Popped in to the parish office. Sorted a few things and photocopied some others. Went to the gym. Shopped for food. Came home. Accepted an invitation out to dinner. Had lunch. Read papers (reached Sunday now even though it is Tuesday). Picked up my diary and found the list tucked inside the front cover. Good place to keep it because I never go anywhere without my diary apart from this morning. Ticked five things off it.

Clearly my bio-rhythms are in a dangerous mood. Need to avoid anything that can deteriorate very dramatically through clumsiness today.

They were the thoughts and ramblings of a seeker after his things to do list.

My colleague has decided to ruthlesly eliminate hurry from his life. Now. Should be a good watch. I'd ask him to talk more about it but he is rushing off on holiday today.

You just have to get Dub Side of the Moon by the Easy Star All-Stars. Hurry.

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