Friday, June 07, 2024

Things Can Only Get 16

This totally fictitious conversation never took place because well, lawyers

SPAD: Prime Minister we have a problem
PM: We have many
SPAD: This is a very specific and new one
PM: Tell me more
SPAD: Well you know that promise you made not to resign if you lost the election?
PM: I do
SPAD: And you know you have that California job offer?
PM: Indeed
SPAD: Well they’re contradictory
PM: You can’t mean we’re going to win?
SPAD: Of course not Prime Minister, of course not, but you might not lose Richmond
PM: That’s awkward. What should I do?
SPAD: How about if you insulted a very key set of Tory voters but made it look like an accident?
PM: So that we lost a little bit worse? That sounds risky. Can I think about it?
SPAD: How about we have another chat on the journey back from the D.Day commemoration tomorrow
PM: Tomorrow?

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