Thursday, June 20, 2024

Things Can Only Get 29

Yesterday was a crazy day for the pollsters. Some outliers had the Tories down to 53 seats and Lib Dems only three off becoming the official opposition. That would mean, as my friend Malcolm Edge put it, the government benches being occupied on a shift system. Or they could abandon the pairing system. Then no opposition MP could ever have a day off. Cruel but funny.

Another poll had Reform up to 24%. This would come close to making Farage Leader of the Opposition. Has anyone with no experience of the Commons ever been in this position?

Meanwhile, in a desperate attempt to lose worse than currently predicted, the Tories brought out an election ad suggesting you should not bet on Labour. At the same time their Head of Campaigns took leave of absence amidst, if I’ve understood this, accusations of illegal betting on the election date (by his wife). Wouldn’t bet on him coming back.

Back at the polls, Redfield and Wilton asked people who they would prefer to be the opposition. Can’t remember ever seeing that question before. 31% of 2019 Conservative voters, it turns out, would prefer Reform to be the Opposition.

As I type this the music track in the background is Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush singing ‘Don’t Give Up’. Actually a cover version. What is happening at the moment is so odd I wonder if it is a cover version of the real election.

Two more weeks. Don´t give up.

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