Thursday, June 13, 2024

Things Can Only Get 22

It felt a bit out of place but Radiohead’s ‘No Surprises’ was playing in the hotel restaurant at lunchtime. Perhaps it was in homage to the Labour Manifesto. This was published today and is, apparently, largely in line with what candidates have been saying.

Question: No rabbits out of a hat?
Answer: I want to be Prime Minister not a circus master

Nicely done.

All governments end up doing things that are not in their manifestos because circumstances dear people, circumstances. But greater, and more appropriate, criticism is saved for the things left undone after five years that they ought to have done because they said they would.

Here are some things that would make people notice change:

Move Downing Street offices to a place that works

Don’t make MPs do the walk of shame to find out their new job. Phone them

Re-use a lectern from the stores

Shoot (and I realise this will be a bit Marmitey) Larry

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