Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Things Can Only Get 14

Farage is trying to ride a wave of perceived popularity (well done BBC). Although surfers face all sorts of bio-hazards he is a very clever political operative. The chummy, bloke-propping-up-the-bar bonhomie deflects criticism the same way Boris Johnson's cheery promises and ruffled hair led people to like him. Obviously in Johnson's case he got wiped out and rag-dolled. Farage has only recently decided to stand on his board again after several previous attempts. Still a kook.

I suspect Farage and Clacton do go together. If he catches a wave this time politics will get interesting for the Tories. At some point he will have to tell us some policy details and his plans for, inter alia, cleaning up the beaches.

This extended surfing metaphor was brought to you by Lapoint's Dictionary of Surfer Slang. Thanks lads. Stoked.

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