Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Things Can Only Get 12

In 2010 David Cameron tried to demonstrate his energy by staying up all night and campaigning the night before the election. My worry was that a 24 hour period where a cabinet is to be appointed is not done best on no sleep. The gods intervened and gave him 72 hours to negotiate his ill-fated coalition with the Clegg version of Liberal Democracy.

Margaret Thatcher's life was saved in Brighton because she had been persuaded to look at one more item in her red box before turning in, long after midnight.

Currently in the USA we have two older candidates for the presidency who have problems with wakefulness. One also has a problem with wokefulness but that's another story.

I used to have a long working day and had to be careful not to vote for things at late night meetings just to get home in time to talk to my wife before she turned in. I read somewhere that one of the tactics of the extreme left who took over various city councils in the 1970s and 80s was to keep meetings going late into the night until everyone was too tired to argue. That's not illegal but tends to restrict those willing to serve.

Today's question. Is it possible that we might find a realistic pattern of working for someone charged with making the bigger decisions about our country's life?

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