Friday, May 31, 2024

Things Can Only Get 9

We interrupt this broadcast to bring news from overseas. As one social media commentator put it 'The average number of felonies committed by each US President has gone up from zero to 0.7.' Clever.

Very few US voters will allow this decision to change their minds. Fair enough. I find it harder to understand the ones who will - the people who stuck by Trump through racism, sexism, lies, abuse, rape and incitement to riot but found business fraud the last straw.

We may well laugh but the experience of the polls in the UK this week is that nothing seems to be changing them either. The people are not convinced about what they want. Most seem accepting that the next few years will be dreadful. The stuck polls suggest people are only certain about what they don't want.

To link these two thoughts we have this. In leaving the EU we became very reliant on our relationship with the USA. Trump's conviction makes the total breakdown of US democracy a possibility. In a world where China and Russia are stretching their world-domination muscles we will need some friends. We will certainly need a leader who the EU leadership trust.

In a little local difficulty for Labour it feels as if The Diane Abbott issue was allowed to get into too many news cycles. I'm not entirely clear whether, under Labour Party rules, Keir Starmer had the authority to make a decision. He must have had some input but the decision was needed quicker.

By the way, does anyone else think Dianne Abbott looked unwell? I know she had been through a difficult time but I thought she sounded faltering and noticed she seemed to hold the microphone with a tremor.

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