Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Things Can Only Get 7

Since everybody else is, let's talk about Diane Abbott.

But first, let's review Angela Rayner's housing. This can now be filed under nothing-to-see-here with Starmer's Durham beer, despite the best efforts of the right wind, oops I mean wing, press to make it into a thing.

You have to admit that the Labour Party have more opposition than the folk on the benches opposite in the battle for the hearts and minds of the nation.

So, Diane Abbott. She has been an exceptional constituency MP and political operative. She has pioneered the way for black women in Parliament. But the role of Shadow Home Secretary was a step too far and she never mastered the brief, looking flustered when interviewed. The picture of her drinking an M and S Mojito on an underground train was not exactly partygate but a steadier pair of hands might have noticed the rules. The role of Home Secretary needs great political skill, command of a complex brief and a clear mind that can prioritise emergencies. Insert punchline here. Or a list of names of people who made our country cruel again.

I think Abbott has been treated harshly but she made a silly error, ironically, posting inappropriately about anti-Semitism at a time when Starmer was trying to present the Labour Party in a new light post Corbyn. She apologised and did the training. If she now stands down it should be gracefully and with thanks for her service.

I see Farage is on Question Time this week for a change. I find myself asking 'Who is this man?' more often than the crowds following Jesus. I don't want to file the BBC under right wing press but they test my patience. Anyway I never watch Question Time it being the worst sort of politics, all angry emotion and no useful facts. The thought of Farage head-banging another pointless remark at the camera is too much.

We're going to get some leadership debates. Excellent.

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