Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Advent Thought 3

One of the things I have learnt from my visual-merchandiser wife, and endless TV design shows, is a nice little trick of bringing the outside space in. Match the autumn colours of the garden with the colours of the conservatory and you will feel as if you are in a bigger space.

I was quite pleased with this bowl of autumnal Virginia Creeper leaves a few weeks ago but the garden has moved on and soon, so must the mood in the house. It is now December and the indoor space will turn first wintry inside and then Christmassy (but not for a couple of weeks yet).

We are in Advent - a now and not yet moment. To some extent we always are. We know a deeper truth but we also know it is to be concluded. We sit here with memories of a past and hopes for a future.

Whether or not your vision for the future revolves around the person of Jesus and how he revealed God to the world, be ever mindful that your past in memories and future in hopes both exist here, now. We are upside down, outside in, future past and whole.

Maybe a bowl of dust on the table would be appropriate.

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