Monday, May 21, 2018

Dead Dirty - A Poem for Pentecost

And another poem I wrote a couple of years ago but have never used, published or performed:

Dead dirty

Before the water you are thirsty
You are thirsty
As you approach the baptist you are thirsty
Your thirst to be quenched if you drink

As a sign of trusting the saviour you trust the baptist
To give you safe water
And refresh you
If you don't you stay parched

Before the water you are dirty
You are dirty
As you approach the baptist you are dirty
You will only be clean if he washes you

As a sign of trusting the saviour you trust the baptist
To wash you
And make you clean
And if you don't you stay dirty

Underwater you are dead
You are dead
As the baptist holds you under the water you are dead
You will only live if he releases you.

As a sign of trusting the saviour you trust the baptist
To let you go
And release you back into the wild.
And if he doesn't you are dead

Thirsty, dirty and dead

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