Monday, June 07, 2004


I am very demotivated. This normally can be solved by doing different things, apart from this time of year when it will be solved in ten days time by having sixteen days holiday in the sun. I only have the energy now to do the bare minimum; my colleagues had time off after Easter and time off this half-term just passed. I have been working solidly (or at least as solidly as I ever work) since the first week of April. Having five weeks leave a year makes for three breaks of a week and one of a fortnight. Makes you ready for a break every thirteen weeks. In weeks 10-12 I struggle a bit.

Have some great new shoes but they have caused a blister.

Have a good haircut but that is because I paid for an expensive stylist; now feeling slightly guilty about what my £30 could have achieved elsewhere.

OK guilt over.

Had an interesting argument with a few people over Brian Eno's definiton of culture, 'Everything you don't have to do.' I used it in a sermon yesterday. Not convinced by any of their points. Eating isn't culture; cuisine is. Clothing isn't culture; fashion is. Even if you live in a repressed culture, where everyone has to dress the same, culture is still everything you don't have to do - it is just that clothes of a certain type become something that you do have to do.

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